It makes me so sad to feel like our friendship is falling apart because we don't live in the same suburb, we might not listen to the same music, our friends aren't the same, and we don't have all that much in common anymore. Isn't friendship more than that though? Especially if you've been friends for over 15 years... Don't get me wrong - I'm not blaming her. More than anything, I guess I'm blaming myself... how have I not been able to tell her this? Where did it all go wrong?
I feel left behind. I'm sad because I feel like I'm not important to her anymore. She's probably got lots of shiny new friends and doesn't really need a dull old one like me. Maybe she doesn't really know how much she means to me, because we forget to tell our friends how much we actually do love them... I miss her. I miss my old friend. I may be older and have my own life now, but I still need you as much as I ever did... I hope I get the courage to tell you, and I hope that you miss me too... x