Thursday, August 20, 2009

Blah... blah... blah...

I feel a little bit lost at the moment. I've had a pretty good run with boys, and I've been having a great time... call me hormonal, or a woman, or emotional, or human, but I'm beginning to feel a little empty. I guess I just want to love someone, and for them to love me back. I really miss that feeling of being safe with someone. As much as I love being an independent woman, I guess I feel a little bit lonely sometimes as well. I've met so many fun and amazing people on my journey so far, and making new friends and discovering myself again has been some of the best times I've ever had. But I guess I just want someone who I don't always have to be fun in front of, and someone who I can show my weaknesses to... and someone who will love me at the end, and still think the world of me, even after they've seen my tears, and how ridiculous I can be.

I'm not unhappy... I'm still having heaps of fun. I guess past all the fun and smiles and partying, you can sometimes begin to feel a little empty. I love being the person I am, and I am so grateful for the awesome people around me. Sometimes I just get a little tired, and all I want is to just be me... even if that means feeling a little sad and sorry and allowing myself to indulge in those feelings even just for a while.

Forgive me for my selfishness... but I want this blog to be as honest a representation of myself as possible. And sometimes, we all feel like poop. No matter how lucky we are, and no matter how things are going we all fall into the trap of feeling a little bit lonely. I've never really fit in anywhere... I've always been a little odd. I like it like that, it's who I am. So as well as sharing my crazy and fun journey of food and boys, I'm also sharing with you the honest part of me. Don't worry, tomorrow is a new day and I will have already talked myself into a better mood. Sometimes, all we want is for someone to listen. So thanks, I feel better already... x

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